A Loss that affected me greatly; Olamide Arowosegbe (I still miss you)
Growing up, I had very few friends. But I had enough people who love me, watch my back and want me to genuinely succeed. One of them was Olamide Arowosegbe. She has a short frame and I am taller, I would taunt her all the time about it.
We dreamt of attending the same University and we did, we both got admitted to Obafemi Awolowo University.
Olamide was beautiful, light skinned and of course had a lot of boys in high school wanted to be her friend haha. I was actually happy to be the wing man, we even had a way we communicate that I know when to get her out of ackward situations.
I had a rough time in Uni
My grades weren't great initially in Uni but guess what Olamide would do? She would intentionally find where I read and spend a few minutes encouraging me and checking on me. An event thats still fresh in my head was one night when I was in Chemistry Oven, WhiteHouse, OAU; she called and told me to raise my head so she can trace where I was sitting, she sat with me and encouraged me greatly. Then I had to go use the wash room and when I got back, she said she had to go study too but I didn't know she had left a note for me.
I took a picture and sent it to her that I really appreciate how she takes care of me and how much she means to me.
Suddenly, Olamide fell ill. I don't want to recount all she went through because of how painful the whole thing was for her and how she struggled so much. I still remember that night at the hospital in Ile-Ife, she was still telling me everything was going to be alright. She also lost so much weight, it made me cry. It affected me greatly.
I chose to remember my dear friend as an angel. Breathtaking in and out, sefless and carefree. I know it was painful for your folks and siblings, but I know you are doing very well in heaven with our creator. I love you and would continue to pray for you Olamide. Till we meet again champ 💗 💗