A. Sotomiwa Notes   Work with me

Crafting a Dynamic Roadmap: Navigating Strategic Plans and Achieving Objectives with Clarity

A roadmap, essentially, serves as a guide, comprising a strategic plan that delineates the path you intend to traverse over quarters and throughout the year to meet your objectives. Its significance lies not only in the plan itself but in the various ways it can be presented. Whether it's through an Excel sheet, a Word document, or a platform like Jira, the key is to choose a format that resonates well with your team and stakeholders.

Understanding the roadmap is pivotal for both stakeholders and the team. It should be clear how each component is interconnected with the broader objectives of the team and, by extension, those of the entire company. This ensures alignment and a shared vision , fostering collaboration and unity in purpose.

In my case at Chekkit, I preferred using a deck organized into quarters. However, it's important to acknowledge the dynamic nature of roadmaps. Changes in the company's context, the emergence of a new strategy, or insights gained from the launch of specific features might necessitate adjustments to the initial plan. Flexibility and adaptability are key attributes for an effective roadmap.

As an additional tip, sharing the roadmap with both stakeholders and the team is a practice I find invaluable. To enhance quick comprehension of the roadmap's status, incorporating visual cues, such as icons, proves helpful. For instance, employing a "Work in Progress" (WIP) icon communicates that a task is currently in development, while a checkmark icon signifies completion and successful launch. These icons provide at-a-glance insights, making it easier for everyone involved to grasp the current state of the plan.